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Radiation treatment diet - energy care fare

12-02-2017 à 21:24:27
Radiation treatment diet
Tell your doctor if you begin to experience any side effects from your radiation therapy. Adjustments to diets to may include switching to a bland diet or adding lots of flavorful foods to your meals. Side effects can occur the same day of treatment or even up to 6 months after treatment. And when can he start eating veggies, fruits, and tea again. I took the maximum amount of radiation allowed for treatment of a very bad diagnosis of prostate cancer in 2004. Choose fresh and colorful foods for your diet. The location of the body targeted by radiation therapy can cause different side effects including. Another ingredient to a healthy diet during radiation therapy is to plan ahead. My psa dropped to. Eating nutrient-dense meals is a factor in recovery from radiation therapy. When good cells are destroyed, patients may experience various side effects from cell damage. The stress must be avoided regardless of what it takes to avoid it. Prepare and store healthy meals in your refrigerator and freezer before you begin therapy. Treatment for such cases should be reviewed by a tumor board and one should choose the plan that he feels most comfortable with. Make fruits and vegetables the focal point of every meal. Stock up your pantry with organic, healthy foods. I was not told to change my diet and I ate well as normal. Though my bowels have never been quite the same since I have never been hospitalized for any problem since. Listen to your body and adjust your diet according to what it is telling you. Each radiation therapy patient reacts differently to treatment.

Eating high calorie, low nutrient meals will not give the body what it needs to heal and as a result, will slow-down recovery time. I still work 10 hours a week sitting down and sometimes play golf if my pain allows. 60 and may be told to get more treatment soon. Most patients experience little or no side effects, while some experience any of a number of side effects. 16 after treatment and is now at 1. Would you mind telling me more about your diagnosis. Blessings to you and Thanks for your time. A small amount of pre-planning and preparation will make it easy to eat well when you are not feeling your best. Hi Gina, My cancer was found during a physical in Nov. I had one shot of Lupron in March 03 and 40 radiation treatments in the following months and that is all the treatment I have had. 2002 where my psa was 24. I was told to get things together and was told by two cancer doctors that I had a 50% chance to live 2 years and a 2% chance to make it for ten years. I did not have surgery as it was obviously too late for that and the cancer is now in my bones so pain is the big issue now, but I am thankful to have survived this long. I lost my job and insurance which led to bankruptcy last year but I do not care and by keeping all stress out of my life I continue to live. His doctor has told my mom to avoid antitoxidants and and gassy foods. If difficulty eating raw fruits and vegetables is experienced, try eating soft steamed or cooked vegetables and canned fruit. Radiation therapy destroys both bad and good cells. Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables including dark-green, red, and orange vegetables, beans, and peas. Including the top 5 ingredients to a healthy diet during radiation therapy is a recipe for a swift recovery with fewer side effects. You may want to talk to a nutritionist about this. I need help planning a good diet for my dad while he undergoes radiation treatment for prostrate cancer starting this week.

Radiation treatment diet video:

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Radiation treatment diet
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